Nighttime radio host, Delilah

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Rhubarb Compote

It’s rhubarb season!

These prehistoric-looking plants come into their full glory in late spring and if you are lucky (or unlucky) enough to have some in your garden, or your neighbor does, after the first few delicious pies and crumbles you begin to wonder… “What in the world do I do with it all?!”

This is about the time you find yourself offloading onto first grateful friends and then the unsuspecting masses - leaving bundles of the long red stems on porches and car hoods!

If you’re already tiring of sweet desserts here’s a recipe you may appreciate; Rhubarb Compote.

It is especially timely with Father’s Day around the corner as it adds something truly special to a masculine meal of savory pork chops pulled off the new grill he may have spent the day assembling!

The following recipe calls for honey, but it doesn’t make it sweet enough for my family’s liking. Feel free to add sugar or brown sugar to taste and also play with whatever ingredients you have on hand!

Sometimes diced green red or green bell pepper makes a tasty addition, as does a dash or two of soy sauce. It’s finding the right balance of sweet and savory that appeals to YOUR palate… so don’t be afraid to make it your own!


  • 2 Tablespoons +/- olive oil

• 1/2 small onion, (red or sweet) diced

• 1 clove minced garlic

• 4 large stalks rhubarb, cut into 1/4-inch pieces

• Juice of 1 large orange

• 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger

• 1/4 cup of honey

• 1 teaspoon salt


  1. In a medium saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium-high. Add the onion, sautéing until tender and translucent. Add the garlic and cook for just another minute or two more.

  2. Lower the heat and add the rhubarb pieces, the orange juice, and freshly grated ginger. Combine well, and cook, stirring occasionally until the rhubarb is soft and tender. Do not cook so long as to turn the rhubarb to mush, you want some soft chunks to remain.

  3. Remove from heat. Add the honey and salt.

  4. Give it a taste test. Sweet enough? If not, add more honey or some brown sugar. Needs balance? Add another pinch of salt.

  5. Pull your chops from the grill and top generously with compote. Garnish with a spring of rosemary if you have it for a lovely presentation.

Bon Appetite, and Happy Father’s Day!

Bon Appetite, and Happy Father’s Day!