Nighttime radio host, Delilah

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Beneath A Crescent Shadow | June Book Club

“Beneath A Crescent Shadow”

New month, new book club pick!

“Beneath A Crescent Shadow” is from a genre I share with you a lot, historical fiction, but instead of a Victorian period piece, this one goes way way back to the Ottoman Empire toward the end of the dark ages.

Author A.L. Sowards has obviously done an incredible amount of research to be able to depict the era with such realism and fascinating detail.

“After an arranged marriage, Konstantin and Suzana must find a way to meet the demands of a conquering Ottoman sultan amid a torrent of setbacks and dangers much closer to their Balkan home.

The Balkans, 1373
A devastating battle claimed the lives of Konstantin’s father, uncle, and most of their Serb army, leaving him to rule as a vassal of the Ottoman sultan, a role he is wholly unprepared for. Between war, famine, and a persistent band of brigands, Konstantin is nearly bankrupt. He will need to find a wealthy bride to marry if he is to have any hope of saving his lands and securing his future.

A betrothal to Suzana, the daughter of a prosperous merchant, is soon arranged, and upon meeting her, Konstantin immediately feels hope that their marriage could someday grow into love. Yet, from the moment of Konstantin and Suzana’s betrothal, enemies threaten their lives, outlaws prey on their lands, and the terrors of Suzana’s abusive past haunt their fragile new relationship. As this onslaught of threats closes in, the two face challenges that will test their love, their faith, and their hope to save their people and win their freedom from the heavy weight of Ottoman oppression.”

Although it’s an arranged marriage, neccessary because Konstantin needs the wealth Suzana’s dowry will bring to him and his floundering kingdom, I loved that our two main characters fall for one another at their first meeting. I was cheering them on from the beginning!

As a reader I too felt the cold realities of the period, wartime, and the duties and expectations placed upon the young rulers. And, as each is only human, they must also overcome personal struggles, learn and grow as individuals, and find their place in a brutal world. When hope is a meager commodity, the ability to trust in one another helps them to work through past and current traumatic events, staying resolved and steadfast in their love and the execution of their overwhelming responsibilities.

It’s action-packed, with epic nail-biting battles too. History is so much more interesting when there’s a romance to guide you through it! Just the thing to take out into the garden or tuck into a beach bag.

Beneath A Crescent Shadow, The Balkan Legends is Book 1 in a new series, and once you’ve cracked the cover, your going to want to read them all! I know I do!

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