A Special Thanks | The Butterfly Circus, Puracyn® & Balsam Hill

Please join me in giving a special THANK YOU to these three sponsors who have generously contributed to the NGO I founded, Point Hope, a voice for forgotten children.

The Butterfly Circus | Life is full of second chances and the ability to be happy not because of how others define you, but how you define yourself.

The Butterfly Circus is donating a portion of all sales to Point Hope. Such a blessing to those we care for; I'm eternally grateful.

This delightful short film is about The Showman, Mr. Mendez, who travels with his Butterfly Circus across a sad and dreary American landscape during the great depression. Along the way he spreads hope and opportunity for a second chance at happiness.

It is a wonderful story to share with your family, not just during the holiday season but the whole year through. Grab some popcorn, your top hat (I'm sure you keep one handy) and find your seat for a big top adventure.


Puracyn® Plus | Improving Wound Management Outcomes Across the World

This holiday season, Puracyn®  Plus continued their efforts to give to those who need it most; every purchase of Puracyn® Plus will be matched by a product donation to Point Hope.

In an area of the world where there is very little medical care available, living conditions are often unsanitary, and small scrapes and abrasions turn into major medical crisis, Puracyn®  Plus has been a God send.  I cannot thank them enough for their generous support to the children that Point Hope cares for and others around the world!

Take advantage of savings on Puracyn® Plus and pay it forward for Point Hope.


BALSAM HILL | The Most Realistic Artificial Christmas Trees, Christmas Ornaments & Home Decor

This Christmas season Balsam Hill is partnering with Point Hope to ensure children in West Africa have a safe happy life. Giving as gracious and welcomed as their beautiful holiday decor!

For every interaction with the post such as a comment, share and like, Balsam Hill will donate $0.50 to support our cause.  The campaign will kick off on the 5th of December and run through the 25th of December.  We encourage you to SHARE THIS POST with your friends as every dollar counts! 

Point Hope and Balsam Hill will both be posting about this campaign on our social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.  And while you're at it, please tell us about a personal experience with Christmas charity, given or received. Read more on Balsam Hill's Meaningful Christmas HERE.

Simply stunning artificial Christmas trees, wreaths, and garlands made at the highest quality. Free shipping site-wide for all Christmas tree products.


Once again, I'd like to thank these three generous sponsors who have taken the spirit of Christmas to heart and are giving to those most vulnerable and in need!  To learn more about Point Hope and what they do, visit their site today.