Shine Bright Anyway | January Book Club — Nighttime radio host, Delilah

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Shine Bright Anyway | January Book Club

Shine Bright Anyway

I don’t care who you are or how charmed others think your circumstances to be, sometimes life is just hard. Sometimes it’s VERY hard.

If now is one of those times, my book club pick for January is arriving right on time.

“Shine Bright Anyway” by counselor, Faith Broussard Cade, is a beautiful book with 90 messages to inspire hope. Faith gained a large Instagram following when she started posting daily handwritten positive affirmations or “love notes” on her account as she grappled with recovering from a traumatic brain injury.

Following that success, Faith has written her debut book which promises to show readers that they are enough even when the world says they’re not. Faith's hand-penned notes came from a place of trauma and brokenness originating from a commitment to healing from a car accident in 2018, the effects of which she still deals with today. It hurts. It slows her down. It makes her feel emotionally vulnerable and overwhelmed sometimes. But every day she chooses gratitude, love, and hard work. Sharing her struggles on her Instagram account has helped thousands of others do the same.

In this full-color book she pairs each handwritten note with a longer message to help readers:

• Overcome the wounds of the past through honesty and humbleness
• Replace feelings of inadequacy with the truth of your worthiness
• Prioritize self-care even when life is demanding
• Celebrate each day with gratitude and appreciation
• Believe in yourself when others say you can't or that you don't matter.

If life has left you feeling you are not enough or you are haunted by past choices, circumstances, or labels, “Shine Bright Anyway” will give you the encouragement to change your narrative. The expectations you live with today do not have to define you. You are enough.

“Shine Bright Anyway” is a beautiful little hard-bound volume that would be a lovely gift for oneself or anyone you care about. Christmas may be over, but birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, and “just because” are not.

Give the gift of “Shine Bright Anyway”.