
How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind | January Book Club

I've got a great new book for January's Book Club!

How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind: Dealing with Your House's Dirty Little Secrets
by Dana K. White, Creator of A Slob Comes Clean

Available at Thomas Nelson!
and Amazon

For those who truly know me, or who have ever been to my home, they know clutter is an everyday reality.

I won't say I "struggle" with it, because I have come to accept (for the most part) that having 18 children between my husband and I, a gaggle of grandchildren, foreign exchange students, friends who need a place to stay, a farm to run, etc. etc., comes with clutter. Lots and lots and lots of clutter. But at some point I have to say "Enough!"

When I pack away Christmas, it's always a good time to take stock and get rid of things I don't need or use. Somehow taking down the tree brings on a cleaning bug that makes my tidy temperment extend to the rest of the house.

My January Book Club pick couldn't come at a better time! Dana White's How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind is a fantastic guide for bringing your home out of the mess and learning how to keep it under control!

“The dirty little secret about most organizing advice is that it’s written by organized people,” says blogger, speaker, and decluttering expert White. “But that’s not how my brain works. I’m lost on page three.”

A Slob Comes Clean is Dana's blog, which chronicles her successes and failures with her self-described “deslobification process.” I'm told that at first she used the name “Nony” (short for aNONYmous), because she was embarrassed about sharing what a disaster her home had become.

With How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind, Dana K. White has truly come clean. No longer a silly pseudonym, White shares her name and the strategies she's developed, tested, and proved in her own home.

She now knows how to reclaim space, the habits that make the largest impact, and how to keep the clutter under control... and she's willing to pass on all her tips, tricks, and secrets to those of us who still have challenges to overcome.

I appreciate her REALITY-BASED cleaning and organizing techniques. We are not robots. Life happens. White gets this. She debunks the biggest housekeeping fantasies and helps readers learn what really works in real homes, with real people (not Pintrest Peeps.)

Here's a step-by-step process with strategies for getting rid of enormous amounts of stuff in a little time. Start your New Year off with a clean counter and move on from there!

How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind is available at
Thomas Nelson
