
DAWGS | April Book Club

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by Diane Trull
with Meredith Wargo

Order your copy of DAWGS

We’ve all seen them, the cardboard boxes outside grocery stores and gas stations, filled with a litter of puppies… and we’ve all felt the tug. But most of us find a way to talk ourselves down from the impulse to arrive home from our errand with a new family pet (or pets!) Usually I do too - but not always - I‘m a sucker for a puppy or a matted stray in need of a loving home, and my family does little more than raise an eyebrow when another “Buddy” or “Lobo” or “Scaredy Cat” join the circus at the farm…

My book club pick for April was born of a scene just like the one I described above. You’ll get the history, and many touching vignettes, on the special animals and special people of DAWGS, by Diane Trull. It’s the story of how a 4th grade reading class, called to action by a newspaper photo of a box of puppies in need of homes, started an animal shelter in their town of Dalhart, Texas.

I’m not kidding, that’s exactly how it happened. Ms. Trull was working with one student on reading aloud skills, when she was repeatedly interrupted by a group of other students who had a LOT of questions about this picture. “Where did the puppies come from?” “Who’s going to take care of them?” (And the big one…) “What happens to them if they don’t find families???”

And that is how the Dalhart Animal Wellness Group and Sanctuary - DAWGS - was born! But I’m not going to tell you anymore, because Diana Trull already has! When you get your copy, you’ll hear all about that day at Allyn Finch Intermediate School, and the weeks, months, and challenges she and the students faced to make their mission of helping every animal find it’s way home.

If you have a heart for animals, you will absolutely LOVE this book! It is the perfect example of how a 4th grade teacher, her husband and family, and an amazing group of grade schoolers leveraged their passion, knowledge, skills and talents to change the world one heart at at time! And it provides so much inspiration for you to do the same!

Join this ambitious group of 2-legged care-givers and their 4-legged clients, such as Princess Mitzy - the Pekinese, Sweetpea - the miniature Pinscher, Stewie - the tiny Tuxedo cat, and many others on their journeys to forever homes and an ever-widening circle of love.

DAWGS is on sale now, just when we need some uplifting stories to help us through a difficult time!

Get your copy HERE

Bacon & Cheddar Doggie Biscuits

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In the midst of all this holiday cooking and gathering around our friends and family, let’s not forget about our furry friends!

When it comes to doggies biscuits, I tend to stick to simple and whole food recipes to ensure my pals are getting tasty and nutritious treats!

And when one of my lovely friends sent me photos of the treats she just made her pups I HAD to share them, (with permission of course!) Luckily, she loves to document her recipes through photos and agreed to send them my way! She also confirmed that they were DEVOURED, because they were so yummy!

Here’s the recipe and instructions so you have something to share with your four-legged “fur babies.” No pets of your own? Your friends and neighbors will be touched if you were to gift some to theirs!



  • Oat Flour - 3 Cups

  • Bacon (cooked and crumbled) - 8 Strips

  • Shredded Cheddar Cheese - 2 Cups

  • Eggs - 4


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit

  2. Add oat flour, bacon, and cheese to a food processor and combine until the ingredients reach a crumble like texture.

  3. Then add your eggs

  4. Mix

  5. Sprinkle flour out onto flat surface and roll the dough out until it is about 1/4 inch thick. Using the cookie cutter of your choice (I used little stars) begin to cut dough into desired shape.

  6. Transfer treats onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper

  7. Bake for 20 minutes

  8. Let cool and then store in your favorite container!

Depending on the size of your cookie cutter this recipe can make 3-4 dozen treats!


“I hope your fur babies enjoy these yummy treats as much as mine did!”
- Angelina

Incredibull STELLA | October Book Club


Buy Incredibull STELLA

Unconditional love is life-changing and life-saving. My book club pick for October, Incredibull STELLA, by Marika Meeks and Elizabeth Ridley, is the story of just such a love between a woman struggling to find her way back to joy and a rescue pup that will show her the path.

Marika Meeks, a busy, active entrepreneur, wife and mom, was struggling after recovering from extensive treatments to battle Stage 3 breast cancer, which involved a long extended stay from her family; husband Brian, and her two teenaged girls.

Although the treatments had been deemed a “success” and Marika was now cancer free, she felt as though the experience had robbed her of her vital essence. Fatigued physically and mentally, and feeling an emotional strain between her husband and children, Marika wondered if she’d ever be whole again!

Marika and Stella, all smiles!

Marika and Stella, all smiles!

Years before, Marika had wanted a dog, but she’d had three less than positive experiences. The pups she’d adopted and tried to embrace as family members had behavioral issues that neither her or her first husband were able to correct or live with. When she agreed to marry her second husband, Brian, one of his conditions was that they would not have dogs… so why were her thoughts returning over and over again to having a canine companion?

Would she have to convince Brian? Would her request put added stress on a marriage that had already endured so much throughout her diagnosis and treatment? As it turns out, not so much. Brian was committed to Marika and seeing her enthused about something - even pet adoption - made him want to support her.

There were a few rocky starts to finding the perfect companion. Marika fell in love a few times only to find out the mutts that had won her heart were not available for adoption, but then in walked “Shirley” a pup that had been abandoned along a dessert road-side. Upon first meeting, this little girl rolled over on her back and begged for a belly-rub. It was pretty much love at first site for Marika, and it wasn’t long before Shirley had won over Brian and the girls.

Shirley, of course, became Stella, and over her happy countenance, puppy high-jinx, and overall lovable character, this family re-bonded, and Marika regained meaning and purpose in her life.

I’ve always loved dogs and especially my rescue mutts that make the farm a furry and friendly place. Many a sad moment have I clutched and cried into a beloved’s fur and received nothing but pure, nonjudgemental love in return. I’m so glad Marika was able to find her spirit once again through Stella’s love.

This is a fantastic book and I think that any reader will become a fan of Stella, Marika, and their family, but I think you’ll especially love it if you’re a dog-nut like me!

Pick up your copy of Incredibull STELLA HERE 

I also have a nice big stack of Incredibull STELLA books to give away! Want one? Just send me a note, I’ll mail a copy to the first emails to hit my in-box until they’re gone!

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A Healing Justice | November Book Club


A Healing Justice by Kristin Von Kreisler, is my book club pick for November. You’re going to like it!

At first, it may seem an odd choice for me. After all, in the first pages of the book, a teenage boy loses his life.

How does one make sense of death? Can you make sense of it?  Not really. But one must learn somehow to cope with it, and continue to live with the weight of it.

No one knows this more than police officer Andrea Brady, who fired the shot that killed the teenager, after he violently attacked her police dog and came at her with a knife. Vilified by the press and traumatized by the events of that dark night, Andie finds herself resigning from the force, as she tries to find her new calling in life.

Luckily, she has people in her corner, and better yet, she has Justice, her beloved German Shepard. Justice had wandered up her drive and into her life two years earlier, and become her constant companion and K-9 partner.

After the attack, Justice had a long road to recovery. It wasn’t in his nature to become a victim however, as pointed out by Andie’s counselor, but instead, he became a survivor. And, after a time spent in denial, stuffing her feelings, and blocking her emotions, Andie vowed to be more like Justice, and leaned into the situation. Healing could then take place.

A few things I really loved about the story:

The setting, which was in my Pacific Northwest backyard; I could see, touch, and smell the vegetation that grows thick and wild on any patch of land not tended to for more than a few weeks.

Author, Kristin Von Kreisler with one of her beloved German Shephards.

Author, Kristin Von Kreisler with one of her beloved German Shephards.

I appreciated Von Kriesler portrayal of a police officer’s life, down to the description of the 27lbs of gear worn on their person for hour after endless hour. As you all probably know, my oldest son is an officer of the law. The positions he finds himself in, which test his skills, strength, and faith (in himself and others) often makes me shudder.

And finally, I absolutely LOVE the mention of Officer Brady’s habit of writing down three things each evening that she is grateful for and placing them in her Gratitude Basket. This resonated with me so deeply.

If you love animals the way I do, the way that officer Andrea Brady does, and the way that our author, Kristin Von Kreisler, obviously does, you’ll love A Healing Justice. Bravo

Pick up A Healing Justice at Amazon
Visit the Author’s Page

Great Pet Products | Whistle & iFetch

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It's no secret how much I love animals, and if you love your pets as much as I love mine, they'll be included on your holiday shopping list this year. Here's a couple of suggestions:

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Not long ago, my lab went missing and for a bit I thought we'd never see him again. He eventually came home, and soon after I got the Whistle 3 GPS Pet Tracker and now I always know where he, and the rest of my furry buddies are!

  • Whistle 3 connects to your pet's collar
  • Receive fast alerts when your pet leaves it's home turf
  • Pinpoint and track  your pet nationwide from your smartphone
  • Reduce time searching for your pets!


Get (or give) the #1 device that's keeping more pets safe, and save $30 by using code DELILAH upon checkout at

Learn more about Whistle 3 GPS Pet Tracker HERE.

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My dogs love the award-winning iFetch ball launchers and yours will too!

This interactive ball launcher will be your dog's new friend. Train your dog to drop the iFetch ball into the IFetch and watch them retrieve over and over again. My kids love to use this with our mutts!

Find the best model for your pets HERE.

  • Great mental and physical stimulation for your dog
  • Choose from three models
  • Programmable distance setting on iFetch and iFetch Too models

Save $30 off (1) iFetch product now at
Use coupon code DELILAH at checkout.

Wishing you and your pets a healthy, happy, holiday season!

Love,  Delilah

Finding Gobi | June Book Club

Finding Gobi | June Book Club

Gobi first finds Leonard when he wasn't looking to be found... but a turn of heart and twist of fate soon has the shoe on the other foot and it is Leonard who goes in search of the little tan terrier who won his heart.