Book Club

My Book, One Heart At A Time, Is Gathering Attention!

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What an exciting week it’s been!

My new book, One Heart At A Time, became available in book stores everywhere on Tuesday, October 16th, and it has recieved so much media attention. I feel so very, very, blessed!

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It was a labor of love to write, and especially difficult after losing my son, Zachariah, to suicide. Finishing was nothing short of a miracle, but one, with the help of God, that happened.

Complete it, I did, and it’s all shiny, polished, and on book shelves ready for you to pick up and read! I hope that you do, and I hope something in what I write about my life and my heart inspires you to reach out to others, just one single heart at time. Get to known them, their hopes, hearts, dreams, and struggles…

This is the way we will change the world!

The book’s release is gathering a lot of attention. Here’s a few of the places I’ve been or have picked up on my story and how I hope to be a small part of changing the world - just as I encourage you to be - One Heart at a Time!

Find your favorite - or find new favorites - in the media coverage that follow !

Good Morning America on ABC:

Early this Tuesday morning, I got to spend time with one of my favorite people, Robin Roberts, on ABC’s Good Morning America! (How is she always so chipper at that early time of day?!)

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On the show, we were able to talk about so many things - life, farm, kids, and the devastating loss of my beloved Zacky - and I couldn’t help but shed a few tears even though I told myself I wouldn’t!

Of course, we talked about my new book, One Heart At A Time, which is available wherever books are sold!

I had an amazing time with Robin, she is a warm, engaging, smart, and gracious woman who’s love knows no bounds, I’m so grateful to be included in that circle.

In case you missed it, here’s a link to view the GMA segment:

Good Morning America Link

Megyn Kelly TODAY on NBC:


Wednesday, I joined another TV legend, Megyn Kelly! I hope you were able to tune in to the TODAY show on NBC!

There I was, bright, early, and nervous, with my make-up on and in my Sunday best, talking to Megyn about my book and my life, the challenges, the joys, and how I am so very very blessed.


Megyn was engaging, sensitive, and kept me on-track (as I tend to go off on tangents about things I’m passionate about - and I’m passionate about a LOT of things!) I was grateful for her allowing me to share some facts and thoughts about the broken US foster-care system and I hope by doing so it touched both hearts and nerves. We have got to step up and do something about the way that kids are warehoused and shuffled around until their time runs out and they are forced out into society, broken and ill-prepared.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Megyn, and I hope to do it again soon.

Bonus - I was able to meet and hug a bright news personality, Jenna Bush Hager while on the set!

Here’s the link to watch the segment!

TODAY with Megyn Kelly Link

Woman’s World Magazine:


Most likely, you’re going to be in a grocery store line sometime this week. If you’re like me and you are the supply sergeant for a small army, you’ll probably find yourself there multiple times!

While you’re standing in line trying to keep your kids entertained, or making eyes at the toddler in the cart in front of you, look around for this weeks copy of Woman’s World Magazine!

Yep, that’s me on the cover, in the fuscia colored dress, looking happy as a girl from a small town that finds herself staring back from the cover of a national publication can be!

The folks at Woman’s World were so kind and compassionate, as all the media have been, when asking about my family is coping after our loss. I feel so fortunate that they chose to showcase me on their cover, and share a beautiful story of my family inside.

I’ve asked folks to share pictures of where they find this issue of Woman’s World magazine - take a picture and post it to Facebook or Instagram with the #radiodelilah, like others have been doing - it’s been a lot of fun!  

Guideposts Magazine:

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In late September, I was also featured in Guideposts Magazine. I’ve read and loved Guideposts all my life.

The stories contained between the glossy front and back covers always inspire and uplift me, and I am both honored and humbled to think that perhaps my story will do the same for you and others.

Here is the link to Guideposts video on the role of prayer in my life - something I do every day, all day!

Guideposts Link

InsideRadio, Extra Close Up:

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InsideRadio launched a new feature on Tuesday the 16th, called “Extra Close Up,” and they chose me to be the first to showcase!

What an honor!

As a radio-gal, this has Extra Special meaning to me, and I’m so very pleased and proud to be featured in this new segment.

Here’s the link to a short, but sweet, and very nostalgic little story:

InsideRadio Link

Parade Magazine:

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I was in the midst of the media blitz in The Big Apple - New York City - when it was brought to my attention that Parade Magazine had run an article me and One Heart… Here’s the link to that!

Parade Magazine Link

Headline News with Mike Galanos on CNN:

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On Thursday morning I sat down to talk with Mike Galanos on HLN. (How handsome is he?!)

I loved his directness and his authenticity. I know Mike has the capacity to change the world and a platform to touch many hearts.

He did not shy away from asking about my faith, which is central to my being and what gets me through each and every day. We touched on Zacky and Sammy, my radio program, my sometimes crazy but wonderful life, Point Hope… and the big message; Say yes!

Open your heart to the possibilities of loving larger and more vulnerable than ever before and the return on your investment will be overwhelming blessings.

Watch the segment:

HLN Link 


Good Day New York, Fox 5:


It’s always great to be able to drop in to Good Day New York when I’m in the city!

I had a delightful time with the morning team, and even though I’d covered the ground (I thought) several times before, found there is always more to talk about!

My heart feels so full and hopeful as I am gifted the opportunity to share my message with so many people on so many platforms.

Here ya go, if you’d care to take a listen:

Good Day New York Link

I know there will be more to come, stay tuned and thank you for being a part of my world and my heart!

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The Testament of Harold's Wife | October Book Club

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Grief demands a villain. A target. Something or someone to pour itself into, to rail against, to destroy. This I know. So does Harold’s wife, Louisa.

I found a kindred spirit in Louisa, a somewhat eccentric, aging, bereaved woman who finds solace in conversing with her chickens. Her heart is empty and her rage is full. Relatable. Loss does that to you.

Louisa finds her target; it is Larry, the drunk driver who killed her beloved grandson, Cody, which lead to despair so great in her husband, Harold, that he took his own life. A domino effect of pain and sorrow that has left only Louisa standing, alone.

This will not do, of course, so Louisa and her ol’ hens hatch a plan.

Alas, as Robert Browning pointed out many years ago, “The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley.” Which is another way of saying, things don’t often work out as you expect them to.

In Louisa’s case, there was a couple of young bucks, one, a wounded creature of the forest, and a another of the human realm, that wandered into her path and distracted her from her mission. As the spring sun warmed the earth, so too did Louisa’s heart feel a creeping warmth and a something else that had been missing for far too long; the human connection.

She had lost that which could never be replaced, but she was learning that she too could FIND.

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The warp and the weft of Lynne Hugo’s characters in The Testament of Harold’s Wife are woven into a rich tapestry of life, where the irreverent, unconventional, quirky flaws become the very thing that make it absolutely perfect and fills one with a sense of hope.

I think you’ll like as much as I did!

Get my October Book Club pick, The Testament of Harold’s Wife HERE

And, visit the Author’s Page: Lynne Hugo

One Heart At A Time | September Book Club

Visit the One Heart At A Time page

Let me tell you about my new book, One Heart At A Time!

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At Rosetta Books urging, I began the process of putting my personal journey, referred to by many as "philanthropy," (but something I simply call giving back) down in written format.

It's something I believe we should all be encouraged to do, and what my goal was and is with this book. It's also my belief that giving back is something that we are born understanding. Humans are social creatures and intrinsically know that we need one another to survive. That God-given knowledge is often discouraged however, in deference to "becoming successful" and "getting ahead" and from and early age we become conditioned instead to be ego-centric beings. 

One Heart At A Time is all about my personal philosophy; big change happens by small measures. One. Heart. At. A. Time.

In my book, I'll tell you about my family, my childhood, my upbringing, and my many life experiences - the good, the bad, the ugly, and the down right hilarious - and I'll talk about how this life I've led, and the people in it, have shaped me into the person I am today. 

"If we are going to change the world, one heart at a time, we must make sure we and those closest to us are fully engaged and aware of the beauty of the natural world, fully engaged in real life, real connections, real human and nature interactive experiences. We should be more excited about reality than reality shows...

...What if you took it upon yourself to spend time with a young person, instilling in them something to care about?

...Believe in a young person, and you will change the world for  that person. Teach a young person that talking is better than texting and reality is better than virtual reality - and indeed you will be doing that child and this world a great service."

(pg 181-182)

One Heart At A Time was a true labor of love. Finishing it was a true labor! Continuing to write after I'd lost my Zacky was difficult, to put it in the mildest terms, taking every ounce of effort I could muster. But One Heart, is also a tribute to my son, who has challenged and shaped me from the very moment he was conceived, and will continue to do so until our glorious reunion in the house of Our Father.

We’re going to change the world with love, one person at a time, one heart a time. Take the time in your life to know the person you’re next to, to know your neighbors, to care for your friends, and know what is on their heart.

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I hope the book inspires and motivates you to reach inside yourself, through the web of personal experiences, triumphs, and tragedies, and take just one step outside your own reality in order to make a difference in another's life. In doing so you will feel your own weight lifted, and be awed at the domino effect of good and ever expanding love that you've initiated. 

One Heart At A Time will be available on October 12, in paperback, digital, and audio formats.

Please take a moment to visit the One Heart book page, which has more information about the book, its author (me!), endorsements from the likes of Debbie Macomber and Robin Roberts, and pre-order your copy today!

Pre-Order One Heart At A Time

Thank you, my dear friends! I hope you enjoy reading One Heart At A Time and it inspires you to open your heart to the vast possibilities of loving others into better lives!

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Unshakable Hope | August Book Club

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Last October, my world, my life, was shaken to the core.

My son, Zachariah, chose to leave this earth, and all who knew and loved him behind. I  still do not know why he took this drastic action; a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I'll spend the rest of my life asking why, and musing over thousands of 'what if' scenarios.


My faith was shaken too. But here I could not dwell because the only thing that kept a thread of my sanity intact was the knowlege that Zack was in the arms of Our Savior. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado knows this is a fact and in his latest book, Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God, he offers encouraging guidance for overcoming sadness and despair, renewing a sense of purpose, and triumphantly facing the fears of the future.

"We’ve never been more educated and entertained. We have technological tools our parents could only dream of, and we are saturated with information, amusement, and recreation. Yet more than ever, we are starving for hope. School shootings are all too familiar. Depression is on the rise. And more people than ever are orchestrating their own deaths. In America alone, the suicide rate has increased 24 percent in fewer than twenty years. If a disease saw such a spike, it would be deemed an epidemic. 

People are dying from a lack of hope."

Have you had an experience or experiences that have left you shaken? Possibly your future, your faith, your family, or finances? After forty years of counseling and ministry, Max Lucado has learned that nothing lifts the desperate, weary heart like the promises of God. In a world full of despair, depression, anxiety, and instability, we do not need more opinions or hunches; we need the definitive declarations of our mighty and loving God. 

Unshakable Hope examines twelve of God’s promises that Max has turned to over the years to encourage himself and others. Each chapter explores one significant promise and reveals how it will equip you to:

o    Overcome challenging circumstances
o    Live through sadness and renew hope
o    Experience lasting security
o    Make wise decisions

Join Max as he takes a closer look at Scripture’s unbreakable promises and shows you how to build your life not on the circumstances you encounter, but on the promises of God, with an unshakable hope. For every problem in life, God has given you a promise.

Buy Unshakable Hope at:
Thomas Nelson Booksellers

Follow Max Lucado at his website: and on,, Instagram, & Twitter @MaxLucado

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July Book Club | Portrait of a Sister


Portrait of a Sister

I love to draw, I love to paint, I love to express myself creatively, and I am a person of deep faith and conviction. I can't imagine if the two of these parts of me, two of the things about myself that I identify with the strongest, were in conflict with one another.

Perhaps that's why I chose Portrait of a Sister, by Laura Bradford, for my July book club. In it, our protagonist is faced with just that, a conflict between her God-given gift of artistry, and her faith's doctrine against it. I'd never before considered how one might affect the other and I was immediately drawn to Katie's struggle.

This would be a doozie of a Delilah's Dilemma!

When their mother dies, Amish sisters, Katie and Hannah Beiler, are brought together again. Once upon an innocent time, they were inseparable, but Hannah chose to leave the fold and live the "Englisch" life in New York City while Katie, never questioning her future, stayed with the community in which she was born and raised.

After a lifetime of keeping her art hidden, Katie becomes caught up in Hannah’s “Englisch” life and discover that people admire her talent for drawing portraits, which are forbidden in Amish culture. Why would God give her such a gift if He did not want her to use It? It's not only this question, but developing romantic feelings for someone that is NOT the young Amish man, Abram Zook, she thought she would marry soon, that confuses Katie further. Add to it all, an influential art collector who wants to buy her sketches and you have the perfect recipe for a very muddled cocktail of emotional angst. 

Props to author, Laura Bradford, who beautifully portrays how the quiet war between the heart and head, faith and desire, can tear at our souls.

This book, from Kensington Publishing, is fiction at its finest, with heart and humanity prompting me to turn the page, turn the page, turn the page, until the very end. Grab a blanket, a glass of iced tea, find your favorite shade tree and indulge yourself. I know you'll enjoy it as I did!

Buy Portrait of a Sister

This I Know | June Book Club


Pick up This I Know

Set in a small Midwestern town at the close of the 60’s, This I Know by Eldonna Edwards, is a unique novel about a preacher’s third daughter, named Grace, raised with her sisters, Hope, Joy, and Chastity.  Welcome to June and my newest Delilah’s Book Club pick!


I was growing up in the same era, in a similar small town on the coast of Oregon, and most of the views and beliefs in the book’s community were shared in mine. I was immediately transported back to the halls of my school, my parents front steps, and felt the stares and whispers at Grace’s back when I opened the cover of This I Know.

Grace is gifted, which makes her different. Differences were to be feared and so her way of glimpsing people’s memories and secrets, and sometimes even their futures, was labeled witchcraft. Her minister father called it a sacrilege. It was to be kept secret. Grace calls it “The Knowing.”

This I Know is a lovely story about embracing the unknowable, about the redeeming powers of acceptance; self and others. Author, Eldonna Edwards, writes in a diaristic tone, the daughter of a pastor herself, who grew up in a large Midwestern Family. 

An amazing book, by an equally amazing author, I thoroughly enjoyed it and I know you will too! 

For more info about This I Know and author, Eldonna Edwards, visit

Buy This I Know

One Beautiful Dream | May Book Club


Buy One Beautiful Dream

I have a huge family; lots of kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, my hunky hubby, siblings, and dozens of loved ones that have crossed from friends to family. I also have an amazing career that has taken me to places, physically and metaphorically, that I'd never dreamed possible. I have a home, and property, and animals... And I'm always asked, "How do you DO it?!"

That question always makes me laugh. I have no idea HOW I do it. I just do. I live my life in the ways that make me feel fulfilled. It's the most beautiful mess. I gave up trying to plan and organize and "balance" before the idea ever really came to me. 


My May Book Club choice, One Beautiful Dream, The Rollicking Tale of Family Chaos, Personal Passions, and Saying Yes to Them Both is a similar story.

Author, Jennifer Fulwiler, "has it all" in spades. 

A self-described introvert, work-aholic and atheist (amongst other titles) with a blood-clotting disorder doesn't seem a likely candidate for a half dozen kids, a radio program, and a life that becomes grounded in faith and chaos, but (spoiler alert), there you have it.

Take the journey of One Beautiful Dream with Fulwiler, inhale and exhale, at all the dips, turns and plot twists as this beautiful thing called life unfolds for her.

It's no accident I chose this book for the month of May - the month of Mother's Day! It's a great read for moms with kids still at home (especially the guilty-feeling ones), moms with grown kids (you'll all be able to relate in many ways), grandmothers (ah, the wisdom) and those best friends that will be brutally honest while loving you through hormonal pregnancies, nursing nights, diaper days, and questionable nutritional choices.

Pick up a copy of One Beautiful Dream today for yourself or a gift and be sure to check back in with me with your feedback! 

 One Beautiful Dream - Amazon

Happy Mother's Day to anyone who has nurtured a child. You are so appreciated!

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Celebrate Mom with my Top Pick Gifts and Win a Bundle!

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Mother's Day is Sunday, May 13th!

Moms deserve to be celebrated! They gave us life, either because they carried us in their womb, or because they've carried us in their hearts.

They've taken care of our fevers, runny noses, dressed us, tended to our basic needs, our personal piques, and soothed our hurts and heartaches as we've navigated this big scary world.

Sometimes they've been in our favor, and as growing pains clouded our judgement, sometimes not. The thing is, we're ALWAYS in their favor. There is no kind of unconditional love like that of a mother!

Not sure how to celebrate your mom this Mother's Day? Well, simply being present is the best gift, I can assure you. Go out of your way to let her know she is loved and honored. Show your gratitude...

COOK FOR HER!  How many meals has this woman put in front of you? Mom's don't care if you know HOW to cook, they just care that you try.

Recall a special  memory you have of her and TELL HER.  All the feels! All the feels!

And, if you want to wrap it up with something that is wrapped up, I've got some suggestions: Music, books, candy, and flowers from some of my favorite radio program sponsors.*

*I'm giving away two (2) bundles of everything you see on this page! Read on for directions to enter my sweepstakes! 


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One Beautiful Dream. The rollicking tale of family chaos, personal passions, and saying YES to them both 
by Jennifer Fulwiler.

Popular radio host Jennifer Fulwiler was once a workaholic woman who never wanted a family; today she's a stay-at-home mom with six amazing kids.

Intimately relatable and ultimately redemptive, One Beautiful Dream celebrates the truth that sometimes the life we need the most is not necessarily the one we would have chosen for ourselves.


Kind is the New Classy
by Candace Cameron Bure

Kind is the New Classy is a book that shows there is power in kindness. Cameron Bure has spent her lifetime navigating these rough waters, finally finding her peaceful harbor. She throws a lifeline to those of us still swimming against the current with Kind Is the New Classyan insightful guide on how to stay true to oneself with grace.

“The secret," she has learned, "is kindness: it’s classy, unexpected, even counter-cultural, and ultimately wins the day.”


A Mother's Gift
by Charlotte Hubbard

Perfect for giving or just plain enjoying, A Mother's Gift is for every woman who has had a maternal figure touch her life.  In this uplifting novel, Charlotte Hubbard celebrates the joys and challenges of motherhood, setting her inspiring tale amid warmth and tradition.

A Mother's Gift is a book meant to be shared.



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Brave Enough
Lindsey Stirling

Uber talented, dancer, violinist, spitfire, Lindsey Stirling, stirs hearts, souls, and your toe-tappin' feet!  Stirling serves up Pop, Rock, and Electronic Dance Music and Brave Enough won the coveted Billboard's Music Award Top Dance/Electronic Album AND Artist.

The album features Christina PerriDan + ShayLecrae, and several other vocalists. It includes  six instrumental tracks and eight with featured vocalists.

As a guest at my farm, she delighted a small gathering of family and friends, played with the baby goats (we named a newborn "Stirling") and became a friend. There is absolutely NOTHING out there like Lindsey, she's an original that you will love!


This House is Not For Sale
Bon Jovi

This House is Not For Sale is full of tracks that speak to Bon Jovi,'s past; the band, as well as Jon himself, and hope for the future.  The "four walls that have a story to tell" in title track symbolize the band members, their integrity, and brotherhood.  Bon Jovi is a generation-spanning perennial favorite!

This House Is Not for Sale, Bon Jovi's 13th studio album, debuted at number one on the Billboard 200 . It's Bon Jovi's sixth US number-one album and it also became their fourth album in a row to hit No. 1 in the US.

Bon Jovi is an incredible supporter of Point Hope and an oft requested favorite on my radio show.


Only Human
Calum Scott

Have you heard me playing Calum Scott's You Are The Reason?  Scott has the clear, smooth, voice of an angel. His debut album, Only Human, speaks to exactly that. We are only human, after all. We love, we hurt, we heal.

Take Calum's intimate and personal journey with him through Only Human. Pop, Rock, Soul... As one of his tracks suggest, "I Won't Let You Down."



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Almond Roca (Prize bundle includes a handcrafted wooden gift box)
famous candy makers, Brown & Haley

Almond Roca has been around since 1913 and is still a favorite candy of many - including me! Made from only the freshest ingredients, the combination of crunchy toffee enrobed in chocolate and coated in almond nuggets is an unmistakable Brown & Haley specialty.  Mom will definitely be pleased with this gift, and she might even share! (Don't count on it though.)

Head to their website for a variety of delicious treats and fun recipes that are sahweeeet! 


$50 Gift Card
To use at Balsam Hill


Their artificial florals are designed and crafted to capture the beauty of natural flowers with breathtaking accuracy. From petals to leaves to stems, every detail is painted by hand and expertly arranged to achieve a florist-styled or freshly-cut garden look.

Balsam Hill  is a generous supporter of Point Hope, has shared a gorgeous wreath and a bundle of cheerful yellow tulips for me to use in the studio this spring. So bright, cheery, and uplifting!


Write to me at and tell me about the special Mom in your life.

I'm looking for your heart-touching stories. Two of the submissions will be randomly chosen to win the entire bundle of my Mom's Day picks, along with MY book, Arms Full of Love, and an autographed photo.

Sweepstakes will run
April 27th - May 8th, 2018.

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(Be sure to include your contact information, including mailing address when you write to me.)

To all mothers, THANK YOU for the job you do.

It is THE most important job on earth. I appreciate you!

Much love, 

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Kind is the New Classy | April Book Club

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April Book Club | Kind is the New Classy 
by Candace Cameron Bure

Kind Is the New Classy

Why do grocery store checkers glare at you if you can’t find your debit card quickly enough? Why do bus drivers speak in grunts? Why do busy people with averted eyes pass by injured animals, the old, the infirm, the suffering? Where has kindness gone?

Have you ever caught yourself matching unkind mannerisms with those of your own? A terse bank teller might get a terse reply from me. But it’s not my norm. In fact, I try to “kill ‘em with kindness” and the effects are dramatic. I love watching a stressed and pinched facial expression relax into a smile. Sometimes it’s forced, but I still think it does the soul good.

Actor, commentator, author, Candace Cameron Bure does too. You know Candace from Full House or Fuller House, Dancing with the Stars, The View, or perhaps her Hallmark films— she’s always a class act! 

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Candace has spent her lifetime navigating these rough waters, finally finding her peaceful harbor. She throws a lifeline to those of us still swimming against the current with Kind Is the New Classy, an insightful guide on how to stay true to oneself with grace. “The secret, she has learned, is kindness: it’s classy, unexpected, even counter-cultural, and ultimately wins the day.” 

Candace raises some pretty big questions, and answers them with thoughtful, (dare I say KIND?) responses.

As a woman in today’s world, you know what it’s like to feel pressure on all sides from clashing cultural expectations. How can you stay true to who God has uniquely created you to be in the face of the script you’ve been given? What’s more, how can you stand your ground with grace?

In some rough waters of your own? Kind is the New Classy will address how to:

  • Keep your cool under pressure

  • Respond to criticism with grace

  • Stay grounded yet go places in life

  • Stay true to who you are despite the expectations of others

  • Stay centered in what ultimately matters the most

One thing every single person I speak with - callers, event participants, neighbors, friends, family - agree on is that the world could use more kindness. 

Pick up Kind is the New Classy by Candace Cameron Bure, it’s my April Book Club pick for a good reason!

Order Your Copy

I Can Only Imagine | March Book Club



I Can Only Imagine, a Friendship with Jesus Now and Forever, by Bart Millard, founding member of the award-winning musical group, MercyMe, is my March Book Club pick!

First a hit song, then a book, a child's version of the book (this one!), and now a major motion picture in theaters March 16, I Can Only Imagine was inspired by Bart's personal loss; his father died of cancer when Bart was just 18.

The song not only topped the Christian music charts but was a cross-over hit to Top 40 and Billboards Adult Hot Contemporary, which illustrates the popularity of it's universal theme.

Do you have a child or grandchild you would like to share God's love with? (You know I have several!!!) Do you ever feel mystified in your response to their questions about heaven, or where Jesus lives?

Encourage their sense of wonder and faith with I Can Only Imagine, a beautiful picture book inspired by the hit song by MercyMe. 

I Can Only Imagine asks questions a child might ask and invites families to wonder together: What is heaven like? What does God do? What would it be like to spend a day with Jesus? Children will see that although experiencing the glory of heaven may be far off, we can enjoy a friendship with Jesus every day - right here on earth. Whimsical, playful illustrations and thought-provoking questions make this a book that families will cherish.

I love the adorable, fun and vibrant illustrations by Sumiti Colina. Friendly, playful, and vivid, the visual will help your children see that God can be found everywhere, every day. 


Make sure you sign up for my Weekly Newsletter, where I'll be giving directions later this month on how you could receive a free copy of this wonderful book!


Box of Butterflies | February Book Club


OK, OK, it doesn't come out until March, but I wanted to give you all a heads up on this beautiful book, by my beautiful friend, Roma Downey.

Do you feel something special when you see a butterfly? Roma does. These graceful winged creatures, with their intricate patterns and delicate flutter reminder her of God's presence, which is all around us.


Box of Butterflies is meant to do just that, remind us all that God is here, with us, each and every moment. It's a collection of inspiring thoughts, poems, scripture and art work that will serve as a metaphorical butterfly on the days you most need one.

Just a moment or two with her book during those times will give you the little lift, the little reminder, that you are never alone. In the best and the worst of times, God is there, loving you fiercely throughout your life.

Box of Butterflies is the absolute perfect gift to tuck into an Easter basket or wrap up for Mother's Day. Actually, it's the absolute perfect gift to give ANY day.

Pre-Order your Box of Butterflies

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I think Box of Butterflies is such a lovely thing to own, I'm going to give several of them away.

Would you like one? Write to me and tell me why at

Firefly Cove | January Book Club



I've got ten (10) hard-back copies to GIVE AWAY! Write to me at and tell me why you'd like one! Be sure to provide your snail-mailing address so I can ship it to you if you're chosen!

We've rung in the New Year, and I stayed up until midnight "just for fun."  Last week I was up waaaay past the clock striking twelve but it was because there were so many things to be done; pies and cookies to bake, gifts to be wrapped, and last minute footed pajamas to be found and rush ordered...

And between these weeks? There were books to read! Glorious, lose yourself in the story, make the world go away, introduce me to new and wonderful character, books!

Among my favorites, and the one I chose for Delilah's January Book Club, is Firefly Cove by Davis Bunn. In it, we go back to Miramar Bay, the setting of Bunn's previous novel (If you haven't read it, pick up BOTH books!) and get to know Lucius Quarterfield. 

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Lucius was born dying. The poor kid wasn't expected to make it long because of his "bad ticker." Perhaps it was because he knew he had to cram a whole lifetime in whatever time he had, but Lucius was a determined kid, who became a focused teen, who turned into a  successful entrepreneur with 11 car-dealerships to his name at the ripe "old" age of  28...

Alas, it seems as though the end really IS in sight and however many minutes, days, weeks or whatever Lucius had left, he was determined to spend it near the only person who had had ever really captivated his weak, irregular, imperfect heart; Jessica.

"A novel rich with rediscovery... Readers will be particularly swept away."
Publishers Weekly.

This novel is one that will draw you in and have you rooting for love no matter how cynical you've become. It's about first, second, and last chances, it's about hanging on and letting go.

Pick up Firefly Cove by Davis Bunn at AMAZON, and while you're there, buy Miramar Bay too!

Happy New Year, my book loving friends. I hope 2018 is filled with kindness, love, and book after beautiful book. Start it off with Firefly Cove!



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I speak to you about finding your serenity often. The holidays are the most trying of times to do this, and yet, if you are to "survive" them, or at least come out in the New Year relatively unscathed by the craziness of the months preceding, serenity (sanity!) is exactly what you must find!

Enter my December Book Club pick, A Simplified Life: Tactical Tools for Intentional Living, by Emily Ley.

For those of you longing to simplify the demands on your time, energy, and resources, those with complicated responsibilities, overwhelming to-do lists, and endless clutter that leaves you feeling overwhelmed, THIS is the resource you've been looking for.


Busy wife, mom, entrepreneur, and bestselling author Emily Ley knows how you feel. With a growing family, increased work demands, and more, she understands the struggle it is to keep the plates spinning.

In A Simplified Life, you’ll find Emily’s strategies, systems, and methods for permanently clearing the clutter, organizing your priorities, and living intentionally in 10 key areas—from your home and meal planning, to style and finances, parenting, faith life, and moreEmily will show you how to truly make the most of your days with realistic, achievable, and tactical tools.

If you can’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone else!

Walk alongside Emily through each page of the book, working through her simple strategies toward your own goals as you simplify and make space for what matters most.

Know other busy, hassled, and harried folks striving to "do it all?" What a nice little gift for company, book club, coffee klatch, or church group gift exchanges! A great stocking stuffer... might I suggest the PERFECT gift to give oneself? The gift of A Simplified Life!

WONDER | November Book Club


WONDER | November Book Club
by R.J. Palacio
Now a major motion picture


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If they are going to start making movies like this, we are going to have to replace our definition of Real - vs - Hollywood.

WONDER, the movie, is based on the New York Times bestseller of the same name by R.J. Palacio. It is the story of an ordinary boy born into an unordinary body; one with facial differences that required multiple surgeries and kept him out of mainstream school settings until now.

When Auggie enters the %th grade at Beacher Prep, he becomes the most unlikely of heroes as his new classmates, and the community at large, struggle to find their compassion and acceptance. Auggie's extraordinary journey unites the community and proves that,

“You can’t blend in when you were born to stand out.”

WONDER will be in theaters on November 17th. It has a fantastic cast starring many of my favorites; Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, Jacob Tremblay, Mandy Patinkin, Daveed Diggs and Izabela Vidovic. 

Hollywood just got real.  


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Same Kind of Different as Me | October Book Club

October Book Club | Same Kind of Different As Me
by Ron Hall & Denver Moore

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On February 1, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln approved the Joint Resolution of Congress submitting the proposed 13th amendment, which formally abolished slavery in the United States, to the state legislatures.

Astonishingly, entire families were held virtual captive in rural areas of the south, made to pick cotton, clean houses, take punishments and abuse, and live in squalid conditions for a nearly a century more; in rare cases up until the 1960’s!

In Same Kind of Different As Me, you’ll meet Denver, a man raised under this type of plantation-style slavery in Louisiana in the 1960s. He escaped, but what does a man unused to the modern world, and bitter to the soul do with his new-found freedom? He wandered, homeless, angry, and hostile, for 18 years in Dallas, Texas. 

You’ll also meet Ron, and international arts dealer, who’s lived a life so completely opposite that of Denver, that it’s difficult to mention them in the same breath.

And then there is Deborah, Ron’s wife, who is currently being held by a different hostage-taker, cancer.

How they all come together is, of course, a God thing. Deborah believed in the power of prayer, and listened intently for direction from God. She obeyed what she believe He was telling her to do, and charges her husband to rescue a dangerous homeless man… Thus an unlikely trio was formed.

Same Kind of Different As Me is the emotional tale of their story: a telling of pain and laughter, doubt and tears, a story of how one woman’s faith and trust in GOD saved a life.

Now an inspirational film with the all-star cast of Greg Kinnear, Renee Zellweger, Djimon Hounsou, and Jon Voight, you can pick up the book at any booksellers, and find the movie in theaters on Oct 20th. 


Jesus Always | September Book Club

It's a new month, and that means a new pick for Delilah's Book Club!

The timing of this month's choice could not be better. We've had catastrophic flooding in our lower Gulf states, as well as terrifying wild fires in the West.

The Mission Walker | August Book Club

 The Mission Walker | August Book Club

There you are, you've made it through 79 rounds of chemotherapy and had radical surgeries on your liver and lung performed, and still you're told you have only 3 months to live... 

What would you do?

Cultivate | July Book Club

Cultivate | July Book Club

I chose my July book club, Cultivate, because author, business owner, and mom to three Lara Casey offers sound and grace-filled advice: “We can’t do it all, and do it well. But, we can choose to cultivate what matters.”  Gee, how familiar does that sound?

Finding Gobi | June Book Club

Finding Gobi | June Book Club

Gobi first finds Leonard when he wasn't looking to be found... but a turn of heart and twist of fate soon has the shoe on the other foot and it is Leonard who goes in search of the little tan terrier who won his heart.

Great Summer Reads | May Book Club

Great Summer Reads | May Book Club!

Why settle for one, when you can have a whole stack of books?! From Grillin' to grinnin' my list has it all. Inspiring meals, inspiring people, inspiring mutts, and inspiring children. Get inspired. READ!