Arts & Crafts

Hearts a-Flutter | Valentine Craft

Saw the cutest little craft the other day, and had to share it with you! I’m sure you’ll be a fan, just as I am. It’s sooo simple and has my heart all a-flutter.

Make yourself some of these adorable little accordion hearts, and hang them wherever you want to spread a little love!

It all starts with a simple circle of paper. The ones in this example are made using an 8.5” and a 6” wide bowl for templates. And old tattered book of children’s music provided some of the paper, and craft paper was used for the rest.

Materials needed:

  • Paper

  • Pen

  • Scissors

  • Scotch Tape

  • Twine or Ribbon for hanging


  • Draw a circle on a sheet of paper and cut out.

  • Fold the circle in half, then unfold. Fold the outside edges inward to the center fold, and crease.

  • Now fold those outside edges in to the center once and twice again and crease. Unfold. You should end up with a circle that has uniform creases from one side to the other.

  • Beginning at one side, fold along the creases in a back and forth, accordian style until the entire circle has been folded.

  • Now fold in half, pinching at the fold to form pointed bottom, and fanning the tops to form a heart shape.

  • Tape the middle of the accordion together where it meets, toward the bottom, preserving the top ridges .

  • Include a looped piece of twine or ribbon under the tape for hanging.

Happy crafting! And Happy Valentine’s Day!

Dandelion Fluff Fairy Garlands

Looking for a fun nature craft to do with the kids this spring?(Or maybe you just want to do it for yourself!)

Give Dandelion Fluff Fairy Garlands a go!

They are made with the seed heads of dandelions, which is something we have in abundance right about now!

Head outside and look for unopened seed heads. You’ll want to pick them when the flower has died and dropped it’s yellow petals, but cypsela has not yet opened to release the seed. Gather up a bunch!

Thread a needle onto a long piece of heavy thread or twine, and push the needle through the base of each seed bud.

Pull the first through to the end of the thread, and repeat until you have a seed bud strung every few inches for the entire length of thread. (If you want to minimize the chance of tangles, work with shorter thread segments and simply tie together to form a longer garland.)

Once you have strung all your seed heads and are happy with the spacing and the length, hang the garland in a window and let the sun and nature do their trick.

Over the next several days, the buds will begin to open and become magical fairy-like little round tuffs of fluff.

Did you know? A dandelion seed is the plant's mature fruit, known as a CYPSELA to botanists, and its parachute-like structure is known as a PAPPUS.

Surprisingly, the seeds heads are NOT as fragile as one might imagine, and the friend that tried this reports that over the several weeks the garland graced her window, not a single pappus was shed.

If you try it, let me know how it turns out!

Spring Craft | "Bunny Bait"

Reprinted from 2023

Here’s a clever little spring craft using wood shims, some glue, paint, and a little faux greenery.

Make yourself a cute bundle of carrots that won’t go bad even if you forget to put them in the root cellar come fall!

Display them on your table - or wherever you think they may work to attract an Easter Bunny delivering baskets full of decorated eggs, chocolate candies, and marshmallow peeps!


  • 1 package of wood shims (12 count)

  • White (school) glue, wood glue, or hot glue

  • Rubber bands

  • Craft paint

  • Faux greenery

  • 3 small nails or tacks

  • Twine or Ribbon

The beauty of this craft is that after you get your shims and greenery, you can use whatever you have on hand to pull the project together. The crafter that shared this with me says she had everything (including the shims) in her craft or home supplies but encourages everyone to put their own spin on things. Pastel, polka dot, or striped carrots? Yes! Make them your own!


  1. Begin by gluing four (4) shims together to make a “carrot” shape - wide portion of the shim at one end, narrow portion at the other. If you’re using a liquid glue, bind your carrot together with rubber bands or other binding until it dries. Repeat using all 12 shims to make 3 carrots.

  2. Paint your carrots. Follow your own style sense here. Make ‘em traditional, modern, or whimsical. You’re in charge.

  3. Add some carrot “tops”. One Dollar Tree sprig of greenery was sufficient for the 3 carrots pictured. Maybe you’d like to use dried grasses or other foliage? Again, you’re the boss.

  4. Attached the tops either with hot glue, a short nail, or a long tack - however you can get them to stay in place.

  5. Tie some twine or ribbon at the top if you’d like. (If you don’t want to, you don’t have to!)

  6. Display and wait for Easter morning to see if Peter Cottontail took the bait!

I hope you enjoy this craft. Send me photos of your finished product to, I’d love to see what you’ve come up with!

Happy Easter, Happy Spring, Happy, Happy Everything!

Craft Project | Rustic Heart Wall Hanging

This heart happy little project was done by a family member, and it’s so pretty I had to share!

She said she can’t take credit for the idea, she saw it done and decided to give it a try herself.

Inspiration tutorial by Shades of Blue Interiors. Link can be found here: Branch Heart Wall Art.

There are a few differences in the the inspiration and her rendition; the original crafter uses fallen sticks, this one is done with driftwood collected from the beach—white string was used on the original and this uses a rustic twine—and of course the color palette is different (pink versus teal).

I’m told that creating the heart shape was in no way easy!

1. First lay it all out. Plan to spent considerable time switching different length sticks in and out until it takes on the desired shape.

2. Then, do it all over again when you tie the twine to each one and suspended it from the long rail.


  • Hang the rail first and ties each stick to it while hanging. (Trying to do it on a flat surface is impossible!)

  • Start with the center stick and build out each side.

3. Once you’ve got everything strung up in a heart shape, you may just decide to leave it natural… but if not, then it’s time to paint.

Choose your color palette, here it starts with white, then a light teal, and finally a dark teal. You may decide to use more or less to create an ombre effect.

Laying a ruler across the heart shape helped to know where to start the paint, each new layer was started about an inch down from the previous color.

4. Once painted, hang once again, readjust as necessary, tighten the string/twine, and clip off any excess.

5. Hang where you will enjoy!

I love both, the original and our example here! And I’m sure there are countless other ways to craft something similar using this post as your inspirational jump-off point!

What materials would you use and what color scheme?

Where would you hang this? I think a beachy cabin, a bedroom reading nook, or a bathroom would all be perfect.

Let me know if you give something similar a try!

First comes the materials collection… then arranging and hanging.

It helped to lay a ruler across the heart shape to get a general sense of where to start the ombre painting.

Cinnamon-Applesauce Hearts


Republished from 2/21

Years ago, my mom delivered a Valentine's package with a deliciously scented heart ornament dangling from the bow.

It was a cinnamon heart, strung with a satin ribbon - and even after the scent had gone, it hung from a kitchen cabinet handle for many more years delighting me with fond memories.

This old recipe, requiring only two ingredients - ground cinnamon and applesauce - might traditionally be used to make Christmas ornaments, but since my mom pressed it into heart shapes, in my mind, it's best suited to Valentine decor.

You won’t believe the incredible cinnamon smell that fills your home while these are baking - and how lovely it will be for days (weeks) to come when you walk into a room where one of them is on display!

Cinnamon can be expensive if purchased in those tiny containers at the grocery, but if you have a big-box store like Costco, WinCo or Cash & Carry nearby, you can pick it up a large container relatively inexpensively. Increase or decrease the recipe depending on how many hearts you want to make, using a 1:1 ratio.

(makes about a dozen cookie cutter hearts)

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  • 1 cup Cinnamon

  • 1 cup Applesauce

  • Thin ribbon or twine


  1. Thoroughly mix the cinnamon and applesauce together in bowl. It should have a thick, paste-like consistency and hold together well - not too dry, not too wet.

  2. Place between two pieces of parchment or waxed paper, and roll out to about a 1/4 inch thickness. It will break if too thin, and will take longer to bake if too thick.

  3. Take the top layer of paper off and use cookie cutters to cut into shape.

  4. Use toothpicks to decorate and a straw to make the hole for hanging.

  5. Move hearts onto a cookie sheet.

  6. Bake at 200 degrees for about two and a half hours, until they feel dry and hard.

  7. Once cooled, thread ribbon or twine through the hole and make a loop.

Dangle from a Valentine’s package, gift a grandparent, teacher, friend, or hang in your home for some Valentine’s love, some winter cheer, and a fantastic cinnamon scent!

And yes, go ahead and use the recipe during other seasons and cut out other shapes - acorns and leaves in the fall, snowmen and snowflakes for your Christmas tree… it’s all fair game!

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Heartstrings | Craft Idea

Republished from 1/22

Do you decorate for Valentine’s Day? My mother always did when I was growing up, and once I had a home of my own, I continued the tradition.

Back when I was young, my mom would bring out the same red tagboard cutouts of bow toting cupids and hearts of various sizes. They were probably purchased at a Payless Drug Store about 1961 and used year after year right up until the last kid was out of the house (who knows, maybe longer!)

I’m guessing about the year of purchase, because it would have been my first birthday. Had I arrived a day earlier, the name you’d hear on the radio wouldn’t be Delilah… it would be Valerie. I think I dodged a bullet there (or maybe Cupid’s arrow!) Yet even though my birth came on the 15th of February, every birthday celebration was a red and white themed extravaganza.

Perhaps we did Valentine’s up a bit bigger than most families, but if so, I’m glad! That’s probably why I don’t necessarily equate the “holiday” with romantic love. It was a time of family celebration, of dinners that included grandparents bringing all their home-made specialties, and little gifts for everyone around the table.

My sibling and I always make a bit of a fuss over Valentine’s Day, treating our kids to heart-shaped foods, chocolates and conversation hearts, and other little gestures. I hope you do the same for your kids, or friends, yourself!. Romantic love is fantastic, but not as shelf-stable as the love of family and community.

Don’t have any tagboard Valentine’s décor? That’s ok. Do what a friend did here, cut out hearts from any sturdy paper (or in this case, thin cardboard) and string it along for a cute garland!

Materials Needed:

  • card stock or card board

  • pencil

  • scissors

  • punch (such as a skewer)

  • twine


  1. Use a templet or draw a heart free-hand on sturdy paper or card stock, then cut out to make a templet.

  2. Trace 24 hearts onto card stock of your choice. Use the same color or mix it up and use multiple colors.

  3. Cut out all traced hearts

  4. Now punch a hole near the “valley” of each heart. A shish-ka-bob skewer worked here. (It needs to be big enough to string the twine through.)

  5. Measure out a length of twine about 5 - 6 feet long and cut from roll.

  6. Pinch the twine about 6” in from the end, and push a loop through the hole that has been punched in the heart shape. Pull the loop through until it is large enough to reach the bottom of the heart. Now slip the heart through the loop and pull the string taught again.

  7. Repeat this process stringing the hearts evenly (about every 6”) over the length of your twine.

  8. Admire your handiwork and hang!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Fall Book Craft | Paperback Pumpkins!

Some time back, I posted a picture of some adorable paper pumpkins made out of book pages on my Facebook page. Everyone seemed to LOVE the idea!

So I enlisted my niece, Charisa, who caught the crafting bug at an early age - and terrifically out-does her aunties by wide margins these days, (book craft - “wide margins” - see what I did there?!) and I ask her to see how easy this little project really was.

She took an old paperback, tore the cover off, and just started cutting the pages, rounding the corner at the top, with a bit of a dip towards the spine, kind of like when you fold a piece of paper in half and cut out a heart - but not so narrow and pointy at the bottom.


She cut all the pages of the book, then coaxed the pages around and connected front to back with some double-sided craft tape. She actually wrinkled the pages up a bit to make the pumpkin appear fuller, and to give it some stability.

More double-sided tape was used where needed to get the pages to behave like she wanted them to.

She added a stick from her yard for a stem, and a pretty piece of ribbon at the top.

In the photo I’d found on the internet, the crafter had used spray paint to make the pumpkins orange, but Charisa decided she loved the look of the type on printed pages and left her sample in its pure state and color.

She’s not sure if she wants to add more embellishments or leave it as-is. I think it’s perfect!

Will you try it?

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Here’s a link to some instructions I found on line Paperback Pumpkins - or you can be like Charisa and just make it up as you go along!

Sweet Treat | Fairy Bread

Fairy Bread, that Down-Under-Come-Northward treat, seems to be all over our social media feeds these days; white bread, slathered with a thick layer of butter, covered in rainbow sprinkles...

But did  you know it's origins are nearly one hundred years old?!

No? Neither did I until my Googling fingers got itchy and I did a little internet sleuthing. From Wikipedia:

"The first known reference to this dish as Fairy Bread was in the Hobart Mercury in April 1929. Referring to a party for child inmates of the Consumptive Sanitorium, the article proclaimed that "The children will start their party with fairy bread and butter and 100s and 1,000s, and cakes, tarts, and home-made cakes..."

The origin of the term is not known, but it may come from the poem 'Fairy Bread' in Robert Louis Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verses published in 1885, and had been used for a number of different food items before the current usage.”

Sprinkles have a culinary moniker some of us may remember from our childhood, nonpareils. (Look up that word and it's a little confusing as to why it's used for little candy bits.) I remember my mother’s baking cupboard had a container of shiny round silver candies labeled nonpareils - they were used sparingly and we were always warned not to eat them, because although “edible” they’d probably break a tooth! Rainbow sprinkles are a favorite with children, and a peak at any baking aisle shows they come in all kinds of shapes, flavors, and sizes. ( A lot like the people who enjoy them!)

Other countries have different terms for them. In Australia and New Zealand, where Fairy Bread hails, for  example, they're called "Hundreds & Thousands."  And in Holland, they're "Hagelslag" (hail storm).  In fact, the Dutch have their own version of Fairy Bread that also originated way back in the 1920's. It’s basically the same, a slice of bread — though a denser country bread is typically used — coated with butter, and liberally sprinkled with chocolate hagelslag.

My granddaughters demonstrating that half the fun is making it themselves!

My readings also tell me that hagelslag is a bit different than our American sprinkles. They are larger and the chocolate variety used in this tasty example, according to The Spruce Eats, must contain at least 32 percent cocoa. I don’t think you’ll find the same to be true here.

… and the rest of the fun comes from eating it!

Does any of this sound remotely yummy to you? Well, kids LOVE it! And because I know I'll get a lot of backlash if I were to ever recommend it as a super easy, novel, after-school-treat, I won't do that.

(But you know, what happens in your kitchen with your kiddos is between you and their dentist!)

Come up here, O dusty feet!
Here is fairy bread to eat.
Here in my retiring room,
Children, you may dine
On the golden smell of broom
And the shade of pine;
And when you have eaten well,
Fairy stories hear and tell.


Aquarium Birthday Party Splash!

One of my granddaughters wanted an Aquarium theme for her 5th birthday party and this grandma delivered!

I spent weeks painting sea creatures and cutting them out to fill an aquarium (mounted on the inside of a window) and then got started on party games.

  • I painted an aquarium scene on a sheet that, when draped over a curtain rod, made a perfect fishing booth. (A couple of dowels with string and an alligator clip at the end were poles for catching little sea creature stuffies… )

  • A corn hole board painted over with a shark’s gaping mouth, and bean bags I sewed together - again in the shape of sea creatures - saw a lot of tossing action.

  • And there was blindfold fun with Pin the Shell on the Otter game!

I also made several giant jelly fish out of paper lanterns, ribbon, netting and whatnots, cut and glued eyes onto red felt circles and toothpicks for crabby sandwiches (turkey and cheese on mini croissants) and brought blue table clothes, and shell table scatters for the final touch.

My daughter created a magical coral reef using pool noodles cut, shaped, and wired into place that set the stage for it all. Her party favors were sand buckets with sea themed crafts and sea creature face masks.

An inflatable pool/ slide /spray park was a giant hit! And a cake made by my sister was as tasty as it was creative.

The sun shone brightly, the kids went wild, and one little girl exclaimed "This is the best day of my whole ENTIRE life!" That’s saying quite a lot since she’s been here for five whole years!

Ok, Ok, I did go a little overboard, and I’m not recommending that every kid needs an over-the-top (or under-the-sea) blowout birthday party, but I loved having something to pour my creative energies into and loved seeing how happy it made her and the new group of friends she made in Pre-K this year.

Are you more “party” or “pooper”??? I hope you have some fun planned for the summer!

My 12 Stockings of Christmas 2021

All through the year, I keep an eye out for products I want to share with my friends and listeners during my 12 Stockings of Christmas Sweepstakes.

I’ve collected 11 fabulous items this year that includes beautiful Christmas dećor, personal papering products, something to keep your toes warm and toasty, sweet treats, savory eats, and sipping tea, as well as lots and lots of music!

Now is the time!!! November 26th through December 22nd, be listening to my radio program for the KEY WORDS for each of the gifts I’m including in my 12 stockings this year. When you hear it, text to 48484 to enter! Or enter HERE.

Here’s everything you’ll find if you win one of my 12 Stockings of Christmas:

Balsam Hill has been the leading retailer of highly realistic artificial Christmas trees and holiday décor for over a decade. I always find something wonderful to add to my 12 Stockings of Christmas!

Last year they launched their most realistic artificial tree yet, the Balsam Hill Fraser Fir, with 40 different tip variations replicating what you would find in nature. It was only after mine had been up for nearly 2 months did folks start to question how my gorgeous tree was staying so fresh looking!

In addition to everything you could possibly need to get your home into the holiday spirit; signature trees, elegant ornament sets, wreaths, swags, garlands, sprays, picks, ribbons, bows, and flickering flameless candles, they also have a multitude of timeless décor options for other seasons! When the holidays are over, be sure to check out their spring floral collection and their fall foliage and décor items.

Balsam Hill is a company that always gives back to their community, and they are very supportive of my foundation, Point Hope, for which I am eternally grateful!

This year I am adding their 12-piece French Country ornament set to my gift pile. Inspired by antique French baubles, these glass ornaments are reminiscent of the subtlety and sophistication of French design. Each piece is handcrafted from thick mercury glass and comes in a variety of finishes that add texture and contrast to your holiday decorations. They will add sparkle and an understated elegance to your tree!


This year my kids and I discovered Annie’s Kit Clubs and loved them so much I’ve included a one year subscription in my 12 Stockings of Christmas give-away!

Kit’s from Annie’s provide a much-needed break from school work and screen time, and the kids get a great sense of satisfaction completing each new project. Annie’s is a subscription service; after signing up, new craft kits are sent each and every month. It’s always a happy day when there’s an Annie’s package in the mail!

There are subscriptions tailored to a huge variety of skills and interests and many seasonal projects too; textiles, knitting & crocheting, paper crafts, beading & jewelry, and Paul Adam’s favorite, the Young Woodworkers Club. We enjoyed making Christmas ornaments for the tree and the kids love seeing their creations on display!

An Annie’s Kit Club subscription is a welcome gift that gives all year long! Make Christmas shopping easy with Annie’s Kit Clubs, and take advantage of a 75% discount off your first kit when you use the promo code RADIO!


(I’ve also discovered Annie’s has a Book Club subscription too - another great gift idea!)

“A Sentimental Christmas with Nat King Cole and Friends”, is a special addition to my 12 Stocking of Christmas gift collection. I’m adding both the CD, and, for a touch of nostalgia, the vinyl album, to my fully stuffed stockings.

It’s a very special album that features reimagined versions of his classic songs, and new duets with some of today’s biggest stars - all possible through the magic of modern technology. Favorites include Nat’s recording of “The Christmas Song”, with the addition of John Legend, “The Very Thought of You”, with Kristin Chenoweth, “O Holy Night”, with Calum Scott, and 8 more timeless Christmas classics.

“Sentimental Christmas with Nat King Cole and Friends”, will make a lovely Christmas gift for young and old.

This beautiful collection is sure to bring warm memories flooding back while you’re also busy creating new ones. Make sure you put a copy underneath several Christmas trees!


Laura Geller Beauty products are designed especially for women over 40, and I am so appreciative!

I’m adding their 4-piece Matte Finish Full Face Value Set to my 12 Stockings Sweepstakes.

Put on a fresh face with these essentials that include their Double Take Baked Versatile Powder Foundation, Baked Blush-n-Brighten, Baked Original Highlighter, and the Retractable Kabuki Angled Brush! This kit is a travel-friendly design to take with you wherever you go!

Laura Geller Beauty offers a full-line of beauty product, many of which have become my favorite, like their foundation primers and their luscious lipsticks.

Find something special for all the women on your gift list when you visit Laura Geller on line. Use promo code LAURA25 for 25% off your order!


I’m tucking autographed, deluxe versions of Train’s amazing holiday album, “Christmas in Tahoe”, with its fun, cheerful approach to some great holiday classics, into each of my 12 gift piles.

You’ll hear 12 traditional Christmas songs and three originals written by the band. Favorites include “This Christmas", "Oh Holy Night”, and“Blue Christmas”, as well as the original “Shake Up Christmas”, and many more. “Christmas in Tahoe Deluxe” is a great stocking stuffer for everyone on your list!

Adding to the fun, The Hallmark Channel has announced a new movie, Christmas in Tahoe,” starring Grammy-winning Train frontman, Pat Monahan, alongside Laura Osnes, Kyle Selig, and George Lopez. It features all the great music from the “Christmas in Tahoe” album!.

“Ever since having made our Christmas album, “Christmas in Tahoe,” it’s been a dream of mine to bring it to life on the screen,” says Monahan. “Hallmark has now made that dream a reality.”

The film will premiere as part of the network’s annual “Countdown to Christmas” programming event. The first airing is on Sunday Nov 28th.


I’ve discovered a great line of footwear and I’m thrilled to share them as a new 12 Stockings of Christmas gift! I’m slipping a gift card for LAMO Footwear into each of my 12 stockings this year.

LAMO is a heritage brand that’s been around for over 25 years. They have everything from boots, to slip-on’s, to slippers, footwear for every member of the family for all 365 days of the year! I wear mine around the house and around the farm; they’re super cozy, comfy and oh-so stylish.

I also love that they LAMO gives back, donating over 1100 pairs of shoes to nurses on the front lines during the pandemic - amazing!

If you’re looking for one-stop shopping this holiday season (without having to leave your house) visit If you use promo code HOLIDAY25, you’ll get a 25% discount!


Soulful songstress, Norah Jones, has created her very first holiday album ever! “I Dream of Christmas”, includes 13 tracks in all, 6 of them brand-new original pieces. What a lovely surprise this is! I had to add autographed copies to my 12 Stockings of Christmas!

I was able to sit down with Norah for a long lovely chat that you can listen to on my podcast, LOVE SOMEONE with Delilah. We both profess our love for Christmas music all year long, and we talk about our favorites from the album. “Christmas Calling” was the single released ahead of the album and Norah confesses that of all the new music, she has a particular fondness for this one. I have my own favorite - you’ll have to listen to the podcast to find out which it is. (But let me say, I see MANY dedications in it’s future!)

While the album is imbued with the mellow, melancholy sound of Norah, it’s also warm, welcoming, and brimming with belief in all that is good and hopeful. The best news? It’s available RIGHT NOW!

Dream a little dream with Norah. It’s a must have for every music person on your list.


I have fun seeking out the perfect gifts to add to my 12 Stockings of Christmas Sweepstakes each year - I’m so happy to be adding autographed copies of Brett Young’s, “Brett Young & Friends Sing the Christmas Classics”, to the mix.

This is Brett’s first holiday album, and he’s gathered a star-studded lineup of collaborators including Colbie Caillat, Darius Rucker, and Maddie & Tae, to help him celebrate the spirit of the season.

The eight-track collection of classics is sure to bring everyone on your list lots of yuletide cheer! Songs include “White Christmas”, with Caillat, “Let it Snow, Let It Snow, Let it Snow”, with Maddie & Tae, and Brett’s own unique rendition of “Silver Bells”.

Fans will have the chance to experience the album on the CMT Christmas Crossroads event, “Brett Young and Friends”, airing on CMT in December. You can check local listings for times.

The album feels like home, and it is a great addition to your Christmas music collection!


My 12 Stockings of Christmas Sweepstakes is about sharing wonderful discoveries. One this year is Fishpatrick’s, fresh, flavorful albacore tuna from my hometown on the Oregon Coast! Each of my gift packs will include a sampling of their 4 fabulous flavors!

“Fishpatrick” has been a fisherman and respected business owner for over 20 years. He and his family are known for providing great customer service and for their product’s top-quality flavor and freshness! Fishpatrick’s canned albacore is a specialty gourmet food that you and your family are going to love as much as me and mine!

They offer 4 canned albacore products. Salt Free, Sea Salt Added, Garlic Jalapeño, and Smoked. Salt Free is simply a nice chunk of albacore in the can, (no water or oil is ever added to any of their BPA-free cans.) Sea Salt Added has a small pinch for a hint of additional flavor. Garlic Jalapeño is very mild with a dash of sea salt, granulated garlic, and fresh jalapeño. And the Smoked is marinated with kosher salt, brown sugar and spices, then lightly kippered with kiln dried alder.

It all comes directly from the fisherman to you for the best price and the best quality. Purchase a gift pack, or buy it by the case to enjoy all year long. (Make sure to share with appreciative family and friends!)


I love tea and the calm, soothing feeling that comes with every sip, so I’m welcoming Bigelow Tea back into my 12 Stockings of Christmas gift package with a generous sampling of their wonderful brews!

I’m sure you know Bigelow from their signature blend, “Constant Comment”, the original recipe that started it all. To this day it’s blended only by someone with the Bigelow last name and remains a closely guarded family secret. Cindi Bigelow, third generation President and CEO, joined me recently on my podcast series, and shared the fascinating Bigelow story - Listen In!

Bigelow has expanded far beyond their original recipe and now produces an abundance of flavorful blends. Their Bigelow Benefits is a wonderful line of teas that support everyday wellness, body and mind. Benefits features blends like Lemon & Echinacea, supporting the immune system, and Lavender & Chamomile, to help with sleep. With many delicious flavors, Benefits uplift, relax, and help reduce stress. There’s a perfect cup for any time of day.

Staying hydrated this holiday season is important too! Try the new Bigelow Botanicals Cold Water Infusion, it’s a new way to love your water. Flavors like Watermelon Cucumber Mint infuse in cold water, for a simple and refreshing way to achieve daily hydration. Zero calories. No artificial anything.

I could go on and on; I think Bigelow has a tea for everything!


My 12 Stockings of Christmas just aren’t complete until I’ve added my favorite candy, Almond ROCA, the sweetest gift of all! Almond ROCA is the Christmas candy of my youth, and I believe every Christmas stocking should include some of those classic gold-foil-wrapped pieces - so I’ll be sure to add more than a few to the 12 I’m giving away!

Every batch is made with rich creamy butter, California almonds, and the best quality chocolate! The ROCA selection is large! Almond, Cashew, Dark Chocolate, Sea Salt Caramel, Peppermint, and Mocha - They’ve even added Extra Dark ROCA, to their list of sweet treats.

I love giving and getting Brown & Haley confections the whole year through. Everyone should try the new ROCA bites that come in several delectable flavors. They’re just the right size to slip into those holiday stockings that have been hung by the chimney with care. (And to carry with you for some self-indulgence while out running holiday errands.)

Brighten someone’s day with the gift of Almond ROCA. Visit them online or find them at all your local retailers.


Remember, be listening to my radio program, and when you hear the KEY WORD for each of my 12 Stockings gifts, text it to 48484 or enter it [HERE], for an opportunity at winning one of these 12 bundles of gifts.

Good luck!

Pumpkin Spice - Ooh So Nice!


The season of pumpkin spice EVERYTHING is upon us!

It’s a season I love, not just for it’s spice blend, but that certainly makes it all the sweeter! The fall harvest is in, and there are a pile of sugar pumpkins begging to be make into treats: pies, loaves, muffins, bars, cookies, and so much more! And what do they all call for? Pumpkin spice!

If you buy the mixture from your grocery store it can be pretty spendy. So I like to mix up a big batch from the mix of individual spices I alread have in my pantry, its far more economical and oh so handy to have it at the ready whenever I have a hankering.

Divided into smaller portions, it also makes a great gift for friends and neighbors, perhaps accompanying a batch pumpkin treats!

Here’s what you’ll need to mix up a batch (of about 10 Tablespoons):


  • 6 Tbsp. ground cinnamon

  • 4 tsp. ground ginger

  • 4 tsp. ground nutmeg

  • 3 tsp.ground allspice

  • 3 tsp. ground cloves


  1. Mix to blend thoroughly

  2. Store in airtight container(s)

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It's Christmas - In July - With Balsam Hill!

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Christmas comes but once a year… OR DOES IT? Don’t tell the folks at Balsam Hill, they celebrate - and decorate - all the year through!

Their special Christmas in July Sale runs from the 1st of July through August 2nd. You can save up to 50% on trees and décor plus get FREE SHIPPING!

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It’s always the right time to be thinking of the miracle of Christmas and I’ve never been able to pass up a Christmas shop - or sale - no matter the month displayed on my calendar.

Bring the joy of the holidays to your summer with the steals and deals you can find at Balsam Hill’s Christmas in July Sale!

(Psst: It's also the perfect time to buy a Christmas tree to avoid shipping delays during the Holiday Season!)

There’s a woodland wonderland waiting to arrive on your doorstep from Balsam!

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Building Happy Families with Annie's Kit Clubs

I’ve found a new friend and ally in Annie’s Kit Clubs!

Summer is winding down and soon we’ll all be spending more time INDOORS than we are outside. I’m so glad I have Annie’s Kit Clubs packages arriving regularly! With crafting kits for every member of the family, it’s one more reason to avoid screen time, and make something we can be proud of instead!

Annie’s is a subscription service. Sign up and receive craft kits in the mail on a regular schedule. They have something for every member of the family and every interest; textiles, knitting & crocheting, paper crafts, beading & jewelry, woodcrafts… There are subscriptions tailored to a huge variety of skills and interests and many seasonal projects too!

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I’m especially fond of their Young Woodworkers Kit Club - a woodworking craft kit series designed for children from 7-12 years of age. Paul Adam is still a little young but he can complete many of the steps with a helping hand from me, Papa, or his older sisters.

He feels so proud when he’s finished a project - like this catamaran destined for the duck pond - and I know he’ll carry a love of woodworking and the skills he’s learning well into adulthood.

This fall is a great time to get back into something you once loved or try something new. Kits are delivered to your door with all the supplies you need to get creative.

Check out Annie’s Kit Clubs and the incredible crafts they have to offer HERE
and receive 75% off your first Young Woodworkers Kits
with the promo code “RADIO.”

Dandelion Jelly (Sunshine in a Jar!)

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A few weeks ago I shared a post about dandelions to my Facebook page - It garnered over one thousand comments! Many of them were about dandelion jelly. I was intrigued.

I looked up a few recipes and sought the professional services of one of the top dandelion pickers in the country, (my almost three-year-old granddaughter, Rosalie,) to gather the necessary ingredients. Dandelion heads, lots of them.

Rosalie acquired her picking skills very early on and knew, by some deep intuition, that stems were absolutely unnecessary to the task, because she’s never bothered with them. It’s the big beautiful yellow bloom that we’re after, and wow, did she deliver!

If you have no interest what-so-ever in dandelion jelly, you’ll still delight in the photographs my daughter Shaylah took of her pretty little dandy plucker. They make my heart melt.

But if you ARE interested in how to make dandelion jelly, or as i like to call it, Sunshine in a Jar, read on:



  • 1 Large Bowl of Dandelion Heads

  • 4 cups Boiling Water

  • 4 cups Granulated Sugar

  • 2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice

  • 1 packet Fruit Pectin

  • Steril Jelly Jars, Lids & Rings

  • Water-Bath Canner (and all supplies necessary to making jams and jellies: funnel, ladle, jar lifter, etc.)


  1. Pick a good sized bowl of clean, fresh, dandelion heads - no stems needed. (Make sure these are from an area free of herbicides, pesticides, animal droppings, and auto exhaust.)

  2. Next, cut or pinch off the bottom of the flower - the green bit that holds the petals together - until you have two heaping cups of dandelion petals.

  3. Place in a jar and pour 4 cups of boiling water over the petals.

  4. Let cool then put a lid on the jar and place in refrigerator over night.

  5. The following day, strain the dandelion tea from the petals, squeezing out all the liquid possible. Place the liquid in a stock pot on the stove, and dispose of the petals.

  6. Add the lemon juice and packet of fruit pectin to the tea and bring to a boil.

  7. Next, add the 4 cups of sugar to the mixture and bring to a boil again, boiling 1-2 minutes.

  8. Using a funnel. ladle the hot mixture into clean, sterile canning jars, place clean, sterile lids and rings on them, and tighten to just finger tight.

  9. Place in a water bath canner and process 10 minutes.

  10. Remove from water bath and place on kitchen towel. letting rest and set for the next 24 hours.

Keep and enjoy some for yourself and distribute the rest as springtime gifts to family and friends.

Everyone will love a little bit of sunshine in a jar!

It tastes a lot like honey with a hint of citrus, and is great on toast, english muffins, or scones!

And it’s sooooo much fun to make with little ones!

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Special thanks to Rosalie for her pro picking skills, to Shaylah for the beautiful photographs, and to baby Alice, for cooperating long enough for her mama and big sister to complete the job!

Spring Into Balsam Hill Florals!


Vernal Equinox is just days away, but it will take several more weeks before my flower beds, boxes, and potted posies are in full bloom…

And, since no one has ever accused me of being overly patient, I’m getting a head-start on spring with some gorgeous faux spring florals from Balsam Hill.


It’s been a long, grey winter, and I’m in a bit of hurry to experience bright sunny days. My friends at Balsam Hill are helping me with their vibrant Spring faux floral sets! Aren’t they amazing?!

These pictured are from their Sunrise Blooms collection; I’m particularly fond of the bright orange and yellow hues - like little rays of sunshine!

I’ve strung the garlands, hung the wreath, and settled the coordinating arrangement around my front door, and now every time I step onto the porch I’m greeted with such a happy sight! From branch to petal, each are handcrafted into such beautiful lifelike florals you’ll feel like Mother Nature has paid you an early visit and festooned your home in her gleeful glory. (Because while it’s not nice to fool Mother Nature, she’s been known to enjoy pulling the wool over our eyes every now and again!)

Balsam Hill has a wide selection of vibrant blooming Spring florals, each piece beautifully capturing nature’s elegance for that little touch of springtime cheer to last throughout the entire year. (They even have out-door safe collections.)


While we may still be limiting our gatherings to immediate family and those in our personal COVID bubbles, you should still treat yourself, like I did, to some happy moments on the sunny side of life with Balsam Hill Spring Décor.

Color your Easter easy by visiting today!

Balsam Hill Faux Spring Florals


The 'Making It' Guide to Crafting | January Book Club

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ORDER The ‘Making It’ Guide to Crafting

It looks like we're all going to be stuck at home for a while longer. Whether that's with or without extended family or with or without children, we need Something.To.Do.

Which is why I've chosen The ‘Making It’ Guide to Crafting for January’s Book Club read; with comedic duo, Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman, as hosts.

The book is a complementary volume to the NBC show, Making It. Think,The Great British Baking Show, except with makers and doers. Contestants move through challenge after challenge until it comes down to the final competition, and only one goes away with the Maker's crown.

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"With the all-star duo of Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman leading the way with puns, advice, and good vibes, Making It became the competition series we didn’t know we needed, stealing our hearts and encouraging our most creative ideas.Tapping into that success, this well-rounded crafting guide will offer in-depth looks at some of the best DIY crafts that were featured on the show and inspired by the Makers themselves.

Introductions to woodworking, fiber arts, paper crafts, and more will enable readers to experiment and customize their own creations at home. And the projects are accessible to all skill levels, so you can get just as crafty as the Makers did. Drawing on the show’s hilarity, creativity, and overall positivity, this crafting guide will inspire and energize you to DIY whatever you put your mind to."

I'm hoping to inspire you to try something new, to get your hands and your hearts busy making, and craft your way into a healthy and happy new year!

Get your copy of The ‘Making It ‘ Guide to Crafting

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Christmas Craft | Spiced Candle in a Jar

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My granddaughter, Nadia, is the source of inspiration for this crafty blog post! Her mama, Riely, is an incredible talented maker, and a hands-on kinda mom who’s been doing a terrific job of coming up with interesting and fun home-school activities that reinforce curricula.

Here’s a lovely little project they completed recently that Nadia shared with me. I’m hoping to find a sample of her efforts under my tree on Christmas morning, and think it’s a terrific activity for adults and big kids alike!

It’s super simple, yet oh-so-elegant, and a wonderful way to fill a home with beauty, light, delightful scents, and love - so much goodness in a little canning jar!

(Candle-making kits, like the one shown, can be found in craft-stores and on-line.)


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  • soy-based candle wax

  • a melting vessel, stir stick

  • essential oils

  • aromatic herbal tea of your choice
    (like Bigelow Tea - one of my 12 Stocking of Christmas Sweepstakes prizes!)

  • small jelly-sized canning jars with lids

  • candle wick & wick tool (a pencil or cooking skewer also works)

  • twine or ribbon for decoration


  1. Assemble your supplies

  2. Put down newspaper or craft paper to protect your work space.

  3. Follow package directions to melt the candle wax (a tried and true family method is placing the wax in an old tin can, and placing the can in a pan of boiling water - don’t let the water come up and over the tin can.)

  4. Scoop a few teaspoons of aromatic herbal tea into the melted wax.

  5. Add a few drops of essential oils to the mix - more for lighter scents, less for heavier. Stir well.

  6. Attach a measure of candle wick to your wick tool, (or tie it to a pencil or wooden cooking skewer.) Hanging length should match the height of the jar you are using.

  7. Pour wax into little canning jars, suspend the wick in the center of each, resting the wick tool, pencil or skewer across the top of the jar.

  8. Allow to set.

  9. Release the wick from the tool (pencil/skewer,) and trim to about 1/2 inch above the top of the candle.

  10. Place the lid on the candle, tie a piece of ribbon or string around the jar and label as you wish.

  11. Gift away!

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and Nadia!