Saw the cutest little craft the other day, and had to share it with you! I’m sure you’ll be a fan, just as I am. It’s sooo simple and has my heart all a-flutter.
Make yourself some of these adorable little accordion hearts, and hang them wherever you want to spread a little love!
It all starts with a simple circle of paper. The ones in this example are made using an 8.5” and a 6” wide bowl for templates. And old tattered book of children’s music provided some of the paper, and craft paper was used for the rest.
Materials needed:
Scotch Tape
Twine or Ribbon for hanging
Draw a circle on a sheet of paper and cut out.
Fold the circle in half, then unfold. Fold the outside edges inward to the center fold, and crease.
Now fold those outside edges in to the center once and twice again and crease. Unfold. You should end up with a circle that has uniform creases from one side to the other.
Beginning at one side, fold along the creases in a back and forth, accordian style until the entire circle has been folded.
Now fold in half, pinching at the fold to form pointed bottom, and fanning the tops to form a heart shape.
Tape the middle of the accordion together where it meets, toward the bottom, preserving the top ridges .
Include a looped piece of twine or ribbon under the tape for hanging.
Happy crafting! And Happy Valentine’s Day!